
$10/mo billed yearly or $14.99/mo

If you’re not sure where to start, try our self-paced mentorship to explore and get your feet wet before diving into a more comprehensive program.

Get Started

1 One free 15 minute 1:1 consultation

2 Monthly access to Ruffday Slack community with chat-based mentorship/advice from industry leaders, job postings, and more!

3 Discounted group workshops


$580/mo billed one-time or $599/mo

12 week Program
Next cohort: February 2024

Achieve clarity in your desired career outcomes, with a custom success plan tracker and milestones.

Get Started

1 10 hours of customized 1:1 coaching sessions
2 One year of 1:1 Slack support with coach
3 Paired with an accountability partner to stay on track
4 One year of access to Ruffday Slack community to receive (and learn to give!) mentorship/advice from industry leaders, job postings, and more!
5 Free group workshops, guides and resources


Are you looking to take the next step in your career to grow as a mentor? The act of mentoring and teaching others has been proven to elevate your own skills. Start small, grow your brand, and become the thought leader you’ve always wanted to.

Apply Now

1 Grow your skills as a mentor by providing low touch, mostly text based mentoring
2 Tap into our expert network of mentors and industry leaders
3 Get an official designation as: Mentor in Residence to help promote your personal brand
4 Thought Leadership Office Hours: Share best practices with industry leaders
5 Connect with and hire great talent!
6 Personal branding assistance, such as options to feature as guest on CS podcasts or workshops
7 Access to free resources and workshops


Coaching hours @ $199/Hour

Make progress on a task through 1:1 coaching time. Best for individual tasks such as interview, promotion, negotiation prep.

Book Now

1 Customized 1:1 coaching sessions
2 Upto 6 months of 1:1 Slack Support with coach
3 Upto 6 months access to Ruffday Slack community to receive (and learn to give!) mentorship/advice from industry leaders, job postings, and more!
4 Upto 6 months access to free resources and discounted group workshops